
Friday, February 28, 2014

Valentine's 2014

Yet another 14th February.

It doesn't really appeal to me that much anymore. I guess it's just a hoax. People are using it as a reason to jack up prices 2-3x just for this day and some stuuuuupid mofos will fall for it. So it's actually very easy to please me. I don't need expensive gifts, high-class dining places. I think I'm actually very low maintenance because I believe in achieving what you want yourself. So if I see something I wanna buy, I'll go earn it. I'm not those "babyyyy, this one very nice hor? our anniversary cmg hor??" kinda girl so Lester should be pretty proud of having me (you better agree) HAHA.

So what we did this year was:

  1. Terminating his policy
  2. Had lunch at this bistro near Asia Square
  3. Sent me to tuition
  4. Surprised me after tuition with a bouquet of flowers
  5. Got into a small quarrel
  6. Dinner tgt I guess, I can't rmb lol
So the flowers. I was shocked/happy/angry all at the same time lolol. When I came out of my tutee's place I saw his car and a bouquet of flowers on the passenger seat. MY FAV FLOWERS OMG TULIPS. WHO DON'T LOVE TULIPS?! Roses are so passée tsk. But I was quite mad at him because I knew it would've cost a bomb (and it was really f*cking ex) and we are actually quite tight on finance. He kept insisting he wanted to buy because he wanted to surprise me, so ok fine. I made him promised no more flowers on V day. Yes, I'll accept them on any other days hahahaha.

I then transferred them into a vase, hoping it would last longer but NO. I don't understand why. All I did was to cut up a little of the stem and only half a panadol (crushed). I was being told to do this to keep them fresh by some florist. Or was she wrong? :(

I didn't even had the chance to make dried flowers (like the ones I did for my previous bouquets) because mama said it was starting to smell and disposed it even before I got home :(

And lastly, photos of our lunch!

spicy crab sause smth smth lol, i can't rmb

this shld be aglio olio. hmmm

Next post will be on Boat Quay's Cat Cafe! Stay tuned bunnies!


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