
Monday, July 1, 2013


Not feeling too good today, but can't get to sleep so I'm just gonna do a short post before I try to get some rest, then head out to my family doc. I'm actually feeling bad for taking MC because I really don't do much at work but getting squeezed in the morning buses and train, is sure gonna make matter worse for me..

So, relationship. Not some pro so take it with a pinch of salt. And I'm not sorry if you do not believe what I do believe in.

Everyone envies relationships that last a lifetime, like literally since early teen. Meaning 15-21, a 6yrs r/s. Yes, I envy them, or in fact, I look up to them. Look up to how they manage to find so many things to do, to share, to talk, to.. you know, do everything TOGETHER without getting bored. I've never been in a long relationship in my life, but I can guarantee I'm doing my best in the current one. I know I've matured through the years and have also learnt to be a better person.

Then there was this one day where I was having a relationship talk with my colleague.

He said

"When people are together for too long, they take each other for granted. They no longer try to impress, they no longer speak their mind. Goals start to differ when you are growing up and that's where you start to drift apart."

Goals. They are the most important thing in each of our life. It is the fuel that drives us forward. Once the goals of you and your partner differ, it gets harder to communicate and there goes your 7-year-r/s.

So couples, if your partner isn't ideal for you, stop wasting each other's time!

Oh and it's July! Hong Kong in 30 days omg!!!

Have a lovely Monday!

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