
Monday, May 20, 2013


Basically I'm just damn sian of studying.

All these years, I've been trying to prove myself to almost everyone. Actually it's just my parents.

The amount of pressure placed on me was WTFBBQ-kinda much. When I didn't managed to stay in EM1, I'm pretty sure I got a good scolding. PSLE, I scored a mere 203. I don't know what the fuck I was doing but 203? Kill me ba. I think I'm not cut out for studies afterall.

Enrolled in some neighbourhood samseng school. Yes, that time Changkat was filled with gangsters but I wasn't bothered la, I so ugly, nobody will actually care enough to pick a fight with me. Didn't do the best, but I stayed out of trouble. Streamed into the "best" class, shitty 'O' Level results. Talked into JC, and there was where I stayed for 3 years. Not complaining, because that was the best time of my life (besides now of course). Awesome friends, awesome CCA, awesome boyfriend (then), awesome teachers. Couldn't ask for more. Then came shitty 'A' Level results so here I am, SIM.

6+4+3+1(almost 2) = 15 years of education. What about Nuresy, K1 and K2? That's bloody 18 years.

At this point in time, I really wanna give up my degree but since I'm already halfway there, I just hope for the best that I can manage to pass most of the mods this year. Even if I failed all, it's my fucking business. I don't have to answer to anyone. I know I have not been putting in much effort in studies this year and no, no regrets because I'm enjoying every single bit of my life right now. I don't really care what you guys might think of me, because this is my life, MINE. Whatever I do won't affect you in any way so shut your fucking trap and don't even start judging. Don't even try :)

One thing you should know about me.

I'm NEVER a closet-mugger, or whatever you call it. If I studied, I won't lie.

And yes I hate this type of people. Because right before the exam they'll be like "howwww how? I never study leh die laa" and once they come out the hall after their paper, start discussing all the questions. _l_ this middle finger is for all of you bitches.

On a lighter note, last paper is nearing. Which means time to work and earn moneyyyy heh heh. HONG KONG HERE I COME!!

Mandory lovey-dovey photo to end of an angst post lol

Happy Monday honey bunnies x

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