
Monday, April 29, 2013

Why do we cheat?

1) You no longer feel happy when you're spending time with him.

In my POV, this is the one and only reason.

If you're happy with who you are with, you will never play around. You'll learn to be faithful to your partner because for god's sake! He's the best damned thing that has ever happened to you! I know you will say things like you have an infatuation but it's nothing, trust me, it WILL turn into something because you are letting it happen and there you go, you are already cheating.

And hey genius, it takes two hands to clap. If she is cheating on you, you got to reflect on your own doings too. Don't just point your filthy finger at her, be a wussy and victimize yourself in front of your friends.


I'm not just touching this topic for the sake of viewership. It's to raise my unhappiness, actually.

So he said I cheated and got so upset and came to my house several times to talk things through. Obviously I didn't wanted to talk. I've already shut him out of my life. You guys must have thought we were oh-so-sweet couple but fuck it. Quarrels were so frequent and of the most ridiculous things. From under garments I wear to why I didn't bring tissue paper out. Of course I do not air my dirty laundry. I know some couples like to posts statuses on fb after they quarrel and it was rather obvious, but no, I kept quiet. Every time we quarrel, I cry. Without fail. It was the most painful 1 year I've ever been through. I've lost alot of friends because of him. Because he feels that they are "not of the same calibre" as us. I had to stop hanging out with Jolene and Amelia because "they are in Poly", and because "there are no common topic". Ha ha. No wonder he had no friends.

Good times? Sure. Sure my ass. I had to be so careful around him, not stepping onto his tail. I can't even be myself. No make up, no cosmetic lens. My confidence was at the bottom scale of negative. Of course he was proud of me, not I want to praise myself but I'm charismatic and not to forget, pretty (haha kill me now). I still hang on to the tiniest bit of hope that he'd change. Yes he did, but I was too torturing to see the process. I want the change now, I can't wait any longer? He was really fucking me mentally and finally the day came.

The day when I was numbed. I can't feel anything. No love no hate, nothing. I stared in his face and I couldn't make up how I feel. Then I said the B word. He didn't see it coming. I thought he would've. It was so obvious. Dumb? Lol idk. I always felt he doesn't deserve me, I'm too nice.

There are so many things I want to let all of you know about him. Violent, petty, mental.. A little bit of everything bad I guess. Don't worry he didn't hit me, I would've lodged police report if he did. Oh guess what he told me when I ask why he punched his ex. "She made me angry what, if you don't wanna get punched then don't make me angry lo" _|_ when I told him to go for anger management classes, I wasn't joking. He thought it was a joke. Lol u r the joke bro.

So when everything was over, I felt like I've entered zen mode. 做什麼事都不必提心吊膽. He was unhappy that I chose to be with Lester. Said hurtful things like he is useless, so what if he has a car, you only eyeing on his car, next time I can earn more money, why u wanna date a person working in a bar, you will become like him, useless blah blah. Fuck off la. If I'm like that in your eyes then let it be, can't be bothered to explain to you. Dyed his hair some ahbeng colour "just to be the same like me". He didn't allow me to dye my hair either. If you guys remember, I had black hair. Wasn't willing to do it but to have peace, why not.

Last month he sent me a goodluck for exams text. I was thinking wa, you finally grew out of your childish shell and I was actually rather happy for you but no. Skye told me you still harping on how I left you, HOW GOOD YOU WERE TO ME (excuse me bro, wake up ur idea). How many months already, please, snap out of it and hey!!!! WHY YOU TALKING BAD ABOUT ME TO MY FRIEND???? You dk he will tell me eventually? You have no other friends to talk to? Wait, do you even have friends? Hahahaha

Recently he found out my SGC was at his place. Asked me to collect it. So few days later Skye told me he will collect it for me bec he told him about it, so all the better, no need see his face. But then he became all petty and told Skye its my thing blah blah blah. So cut story short took it back from him then came another pretty interesting twist.

"I met her....... OMG I GOT A SHOCK... Her hair was greenish white... She thinks its cool but she look like a mess to me... She looks so haggard.. I can't be bothered with her life... Oh i would so love to have a coffee with her to listen to her fucked up story and it will make my day..." So Skye was keeping it neutral and at the last part he couldn't take his childish act and told him off hahaha way to go Skye (fist bump!). AND THEN 10-15MINS LATER HE SENT ME A TEXT.

Saying nonsense like we used to be the closest people in the world and now we are the world's best strangers hahahahaa FUCKYOU. I don't want anything to do with u pl0x. And he even added how have u been, still coping alright? Really cbk this one. You say so much nasty things and now u wanna know how am I? Want to act gentleman? SERIOUSLY BRO? GET YOUR MENTAL CHECKED PLS. Don't hope for my reply ok. You must be staring at ur phone and everytimes there's message you hope it's from me. Dream on. I've blocked you from sms. If you try whats app? I'll block you too. You like confrontation right? Meet me face to face to talk, don't use these pussy methods to get to me. You no longer have an upper hand and hey, I'm no longer afraid of you.

Btw your hair colour SUCKS.

If you're reading this. My greenish-white coloured hair fetched so many compliments and so many approached me to asked if I was Eurasian. IN UR FACE BRO. But still have to thank you for having my patience trained to the limit. I now can tolerate things I could never had before. Thank you and bye forever ;)

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