
Monday, May 16, 2011


Hi earthlings I'm back! Had been busy with my new job so I literally KO after I bathe every night. No joke okay, even thought the job is pretty simple. And my colleagues are so fun to work with omg. Damn nonsense one both of them. But its a good thing, at least time passes faster when you've someone to talk to ^^

But I didn't work today, as you can see, cuz I'm blogging at such an unusual timing.

This is because I FELL SICK :@ Had my runs yesterday afternoon and I had to kept going to the washroom argh. And Kiko kept laughing at me tsk. And I still wasn't feeling well at all today and I cannot tahan the pain (I also dk why I get the pain from :/ ) so I went to the docs lor. And got myself plenty of medicine. I HATE SWALLOWING PILLS WTF. I think I've small throat and if I force something down intentionally I'll just reject it LOL.

Plus I promised Jolene I'd update my blog but I didn't so........ I btr go upload photos on last Friday already hehe ^^

Went for MiniRibbon's shoot last Friday and I swear it was damn fun HAHAHA. It took me awhile to get used to it and the shots got sort-of better after I plugged in my mp3 to the speakers and blasted music like some mad woman. Music relieves soul, and I totally agree with that. But please forgive me if the poses are weird cuz its my first time doing it and I hope there'll be some improvements next time (that's if Clarice still wanna have me).

Too wordy already I don't like, pix time!


Pix of studio coming up!

The pile of clothes! Hehe.

I think I need a big dressing table like this in my room hehe.

AND THEY HAD STEAM IRON! I told mummy I want to buy but she say waste $. But it's damn awesomezxc!

The paper bag I used to stuff my clothes, shoe and make up bag.

And presenting the magic bag that Clarice stuff 30+ clothes into.....

DAMN ZAI RIGHT. I seriously dk how she manage to do that. *salutes*

Then we went for early dinnerrrrr ^^

Hehehe she was saying alot of ppl say her wallet damn ex and plain so I gave her a sticker and now I bet no one would say a thing ^^v

CHEESE FRIES AND IT'S HEAVEN LA. Now by staring at it I'm hungry already but... I'M ON LIQUID DIET T.T

I need to stop spending $ already seriously. My loot from Korea has arrived, the one from Cashien shop also arrived. Fml lor so many clothes still with tag on and unwashed. I so need to save. And my house is gonna undergo renovation yay!! ^^v

K I wanna go shop online. So much for saying I wanna save. Good job Inez!


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