
Wednesday, June 1, 2011


HEHEHEHE MISS ME RIGHT ALL OF YOU! I know I know, that's why I'm like filling up this space for all of you. Don't you all just love me? Eh, I very tired okay. Work starts at 10.30 and ends at 9.30 okay. If you are nice enough and you stay at tampines, maybe you can dabao food for me and I'll post more. I'm serious. I like the siew mai and hagao at basement. Go down escalator turn right and TADAH! It's the shop that sells my fav dimsum ^^ K LA I kidding about the buying food for me part (partly I'm afraid you'd poison it first so...) just come visit me and buy accessories k? Thx.

I've so much to talk about wtf and apparently I've forgotten every single bit so I shall try to recall whatever happened okay? There'll be pix so dont worry, wont be wordy ^^

But while waiting for ALL my photos to load (91 of them but I cfm delete all those unglam ones) I shall do some justice for myself and Clarice (the owner of cube-gen). I have iPhone so obviously I'll maximize it's use so I also downloaded formspring. I was going through it and I saw nasty comments about her not replying emails and her attitude sucks or whatsoever. Like hello? She's only 15 and she still needs to study? Even if she's earning 4 digits every month doesn't mean that she can throw education away and start her own business (not like she can't but I'm just trying to make a point here). Her orders are overwhelming cuz the price of the accessories she sells are damn cheap, okay FUCKING CHEAP. Who doesn't like cheap thrills? Don't lie and say you dont la okay. The quality of her goods are up to standard too (my standard). I also ordered accessories from her and it has yet to come yet but at least I asked her nicely if the items arrived already. If you don't want others to be rude to you then don't be rude in the first place la wtf. Okay don't understand is it? I give you example.

Person A: Eh, I ordered very long ago already leh, why my items not here yet?
Person B: Hi, I'm wondering if my items have arrived as I sent in my order form quite some time ago already :)

WHAT IS FUCKING WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE SIA. You can simply make one's day not so unhappy by adding a simple "hi" or a ":)" at the end of the message la. If I received a text from Person A I also cfm gan the person. And wake up your idea leh, you think the supplier supply to her only is it. They also need to clear other peoples' orders right? And you paid so low for the items already then just bloody hell wait la. If you can't wait then go buy instocks lor, pay more only what. You want cheap things then just stfu and wait. Or just be nice if you're getting a little impatient. And also not like you got alot of necks to wear the necklaces, ear holes for the earrings and fingers for the rings la. Plus most probably all her customers are all xmms (I assumed that) and come on la. You can wear these in school meh? You want it so desperately for what! If you go out everyday i bo wey gong la. But still, you want it cheap then you gotta pay a price for it. You're patience k. No patience then gtfo.

Okay now to those formsprings questions directed to Clarice (but like to me one). Wanna talk abt me formspring me la humjikia. I ahlian? Even if I'm, I'm an intellectual one leh. Not so pretty, why choose her be model? You show your face la, come be model la. If I think you rlly more chio I cfm surrender. Idk how to pose? HAHAH WTF, didn't I already said I've no experienced? Take this bitch _l_

AND, please stop asking Clarice if I got chosen cuz I'm her friend. We only met after I got selected hello. Get your facts right k?


Remembered I was asking people to support me at flea on the 21may? (that's 2 weeks ago, overdue, as always hehe), I didn't had rack for the display of the clothes I wanna sell so met Benben on Friday to get it since it's our off day ^^ He's such an asshole because he takes damn long to prepare to get outta house. So this time me smart, wore tee shirt and shorts ^^


Eeyore warrior part ll

Signature jiaobin yay!

Went to so many places to find the rack but in the end we went back to IKEA at tampines to get it and I was too lazy to take bus so we cabbed home. I rarely cab nowadays cuz Benben very particular about cabbing. He says all the cab fare can save up and eat a nice buffet. Actually quite true, so I haven been cabbing since dk when. I think I cabbed less than 10x after I got together with benben. Improvement ;)

FLEA THE NEXT DAY WOOHOO. And I was late cuz had to give tuition in the morning, met benben and wanlin and cabbed down yay!


Met Rachell and prepared my booth (benben and Martin did most of the job, thxthx!). Clarice joined me a little later and sold her cheap cheap accessoried!! It was bloody hot. AND THE CROWD SUX MAX WTF. But at least I've people to keep my spirits up ^^

Clarice! ^^

This is what I bought @ flea!

And now pix with my new collegues. 2 young girls. HAI. I'M SO FUCKING OLD. I'M TURING 20. 2 CANDLES ON MY BIRTHDAY CAKE THIS YEAR FML T.T




Went to kbox with them last Thursday and sang our hearts out, resulting in mega sore throat (Aslieen and I) and a swollen throat (Kiko). But the most important thing is we had fun ^^

Idk whats wrong with my face, dont ask.

OH! My cotton dress I wore that day!

And all the zilian photos, ahem.

But I still like this the best

Hehehehe, it was damn boring at work so I just cam whored. There're cameras around but idc la, huo chu qu le!!

OKAY THIS IS A MUST WATCH! HAHAA. Ghost spotted at Fresh Profusion. Yes I'm working at Tampines Mall now. Top floor, near to 77 street :)

Btw that's Aslieen :P

Went to find benben last friday and shopped myself. GSS started last friday so I shopped lor. First time I shopped alone sia wtf, but quite exciting la. At least no one's there to comment so much on the thing u wanna buy. Spent like $150+? FML. I needa save. But I got things for my parents also la, not just for myself. What a filial daughter hehehe.

My fluffy slippers from cotton on bodeh! ^^

Need some sleep, I've been hachoo-ing since the start of this post bye!!

Be nice and press on the adverts ^^


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