
Thursday, May 12, 2011


The day I got my kitkit!

Kitkit & family! And benben just told me his bedsheet like a matching. What a coincidence heh! 

And because that retarded eye of mine gets red easily, I can't wear contact lens today cuz I need to wear them for the shoot. If not I'll have super small eyes *pouts* so I think I look weird without my precious GEO lens :"(

And this boy decided to eat his lunch and watch dk what thai fighting show and left me alone. And leaving a girl alone with a cam means.... CAMWHORE TIME ^^

Yes I've alot of baby hair and now I've frown lines. GREAT. Just great. One of the signs of getting older. Tsk.


Someone busy eating his lunch while I munch on POLAR SNACK! Luckily he asked if I wanted it, if not I rlly be damn bored :@

Kekekeke, luv polar snack la please. My study partner for A's. *kissy face*

YESYES MY NAILS AGAIN! kekeke so chio!

Winkwink ;)

Act one emo HAHA.

Trained to Orchard, caught FF5 @ shaw lido. We just declared we're in love with the theater there la wtf. DAMN AWESOMEEEEZ!

Nomnom @ Yakun! Hehehehe! I told him I wasn't hungry but I really am la. But I've to maintain my weight abit ah. So diet these few days hehe ^^

Oh you must be wondering why I removed my head band. I realised I look retarded in it HAHA! So yaaaa, bear with the messy hair okie? <3

OKAY I NEED TO GO ALREADY, GOT WORK AT 10.30 AND IM STILL HERE. I'M HOPELESS. Night people, sugar coated dreams!


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