
Thursday, March 27, 2014

River Safari

Throwback to November, when Lester & I went to River Safari. I know it has been too long hahaha almost 5 months omg.

The happy boy with our tickets. I was not very hyped about this trip because I'm not that into marine fish (as compared to Lester) so my main purpose here is to look at how cute Jia Jia & Kai Kai and the red pandas are hehehe.

We were firstly greeted by Mandarin Ducks. It was one of my favourite birds when I was younger because the colour combination is super cute lol.

I'm really sorry for the lousy shaky pictures because I didn't bring camera out so I was using my Note 2 and the zoom is super sensitive :(

There are actually many more photos but they are too shaky so I'm just gonna give it a pass.

This is Lester's favourite. Spotted Alligator Gar.

Hee my favourite!! Freshwater Puffer Fish! I bought a super small puffer few months ago but I think one of the goldfish ate it up. It was bloody cute when I got it. It just looks like an enlarged comma and when it swims, it closes it's tail and omg. Totally looked like a comma. LOL I guess you lost me hahaha!

Damn those reflection. Can't go to close to the tank or else I can't get the full body picture!!

"I wanna fish tank THISSSSS big!!"

Goliath Tiger Fish, according to Lester.

I've no idea what turtle is this. Long neck? Snapping??? Ah whatever I give up trying to figure out.

We then moved on to the Panda Enclosure!!

How not to love these lazy fellas hehehe just wanna give them a tight hug when I saw them.

I only realised fter posting the previous two photos up that both Jia Jia's and Kai Kai's menu are the same lol. Why did I even take both of them.

Didn't managed to snap photos of them because it was simply TOO bloody crowded so I had to wait for the right moment to video the movements of these lovelies. You won't imagine how auntie I was when I had to push my way through the crowd to get to the ledge hahaha!

Now now, it has been too long so I can't tell who is who but DOES IT REALLY MATTER?!?! They are too cute!!! OMG.

We then went to the cafe which sells the "Panda Pau"

I only remembered to take a photo after Lester took a bite off the bun haha!

That marks the end of our trip to River Safari!!

I didn't really enjoy it as much as Lester because I'm not a fish person and I feel that it is not worth it for me to pay such a price just to see the pandas so... The decision is still yours to make but please spam sunblock okay, the afternoon sun is merciless and it'd be great if you have an electric mini-fan. Be prepared to buy slushies along the way too, but mind you, it's really expensive so if you live without cold drinks then I salute you!!


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