
Monday, January 28, 2013

Was craving for the bf's one chip cookie for the longest time so I kept pestering him to get the ingredients. Finally managed to baked it on Saturday!! But it's all gone by this afternoon..... SIAN, have to find time to make them again. This time I will hide them so only I can nom on them hehehe.

Sent dad off to India for work and shopped at airport. I just realized how awesome shopping at airport can be. You can save ur 7% gst!!

So I got myself a new necklace bec the previous one kept "eating" my hair. It's like, my hair will get caught and it's almost impossible to pull it out so I'll always jaw to break my hair. Had enough of such nonsense so I bought a new one! Expensive but at least no more pain!

Went into perfume counter next. Didn't get anything bec I have tons at home. They were selling VS bombshell, gave it a try as I see many people raving abt it but.. It smells like mosquito repellent with my body temp. Oh well, not fated.. But got another flavor instead. Loving in so much bec it smells so fruity and irresistible! Arden's lipgloss was on offer so I got it too yay! Was so happy with my buys yesterday!

Stayed over at baby's place last night and slept all the way till 2pm this afternoon, yet I'm still feeling sleepy now. Why oh why...

Here's a pic of the lotion from VS! Heehe.

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