
Thursday, January 31, 2013

CNY Flea

Hello bunnies, it's Thursday again! My happiest day of the week, that's because it's my last day of school for the week and it's baby's off dayyyyy hehehe, these explains huh?

But the boy has management course to attend so I'm stuck at his house till its time to meet him and Bryan for dinner. Wanted to do a little revision but oh well..... It sure doesn't help knowing that he has 3 seasons of TVD in his laptop so I've been watching it since :P

Remember Chic Cottage?? They're holding flea this Saturday at Bugis!! Details as of below!

I LOVE FLEAS. God, it has been ages since I last been to one. I'm hoping to get real good deals outta this! Quick join their VIP/express pass giveaway!!

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