
Monday, January 7, 2013

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Hello bunnies! How's 2013 for u guys so far?? Mine's rather boring. Same shit everyday. School on tues-thurs. Yeah it may sound slack but hell no. I have not been really consistent with revising and I'm a little panicky now. Exams are in May, so far but yet so near. Minus away weekends and CNY I don't really have much time left. Le sigh. Who said uni will not be like JC? It's all bullshit. It's a lie. JC students out there, brace yourself for another 3-4years of hell. \

Gotten myself a new bunny on top of a new cage. Lester and I went to view the bunnies and decided on getting this because it was so active and affectionate. It licked my finger and knee a couple of times and that was all it needed to do to capture my heart. Pirate is blind in one eye, I lied to mummy that I got it plus the big cage for $120, but the truth was I got Pirate at $120. Cage was bought separately. You may think it's silly of me to get a defect bunny but I really liked Pirate. Despite being blind in an eye, Pirate is super super active and likes to eat ALOT. She's always bloated!

Hmm I have not mentioned about my Christmas. So here goes.

24th Dec
Headed over to L's place after lunch, he opened his boot and asked me to carry an amplifier, then I saw a nicely wrapped gift. I didn't thought much, just wanted to get the heavy thing off me so I just ignored it. He then passed it to me and said "Merry Christmas!" HAHAHA damn shocked and happy I tell u. Opened it and it was 100 polariod films hehe ^^ Napped a little before work. After waking up, saw this huge ass pink wrapped box in my bag. Opened it and it was a pink hairdryer!!!!! Haha! This boy really took the hint to check out my wishlist on my blog.

Worked at Senso on Christmas eve. It was so damn crowded and I was really happy I could be part of the countdown. Managed to wish the boy Merry Christmas, a quick hug and back to work.

So, how do I look in Senso's uniform? ^^
25th Dec
Slept till noon, then headed to some park for our Christmas lunch. It was fawesome!!!! Pix are on instagram. Follow me,@inezkayla, if you have not ;) Went back and napped for awhile before work. Reported for work @ Senso agn. Not much customers so it was a rather relaxed night.

26th Dec
Stayed over at Lester's. He insisted I stay bec he said he wanted to be home on Chirstmas. It didn't make much sense but I said ok. Postman rang doorbell at 11+, he was smoking so he asked me to get it. Signed and carried the parcel into his room, ready to nag at him because he told me he was broke. He was still smoking so he asked me to open it.

It was an iPad mini.

Once I took the box out I literally "OMG ARE U SERIOUS. IS IT FOR ME???" He just smiled and said ya. So so happy that we started exploring it on the spot.

Thankyou sweetheart for all the gifts! But I just want u to know that you are the best gift ever!!!! Love you to the moon and back :*

I hope u guys had a more happening Christmas than me!!! I spent my New Year's eve and New Year working at Senso too. It was more happening than Christmas! Everyone was so hyped up. Some lucky bastard walked away with iPad mini. Y NOT ME?! Not being greedy but.. Who also want it righhhhht.

5th month's lunch @ Ichiban Sushi in TPY, headed home after that.

And that will bring us back to today. I'm gonna go complete my assignment and wait up for the boy to call then head to bed. SCHOOL TOMORROW BITCHES!!!!!

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