
Saturday, November 3, 2012

HELLO so energetic after my bath and decided to blog hehe. Met up with the fp babies for supper @ century square's kungfu paradise! So awesome to have friends living in the same area. Emi u should just stay at jordon's place for good hehe. Food was awesome, I had their specialty bun + caramel frappe. Then we started being crazy by snatching each other's drink and I accidentally spilled some of emi's drink :p

Then there was this funny moment. Kiko was saying "when life gives you lemon.....?" aslieen blurted "ADD VODKA!" all of us burst out laughing and she kept insisting she's right and she said she'll prove it to us. And oh well, she got her evidence but still, it was real funny.

Supper @ Kungfu Paradise
Was working tdy and I went for lunch alone! WHO SAYS I CAN'T BE INDEPENDENT? SUCK THIS UP BITCH. Walked around and bought lip balm from faceshop bec I lost the old one :( then got carried away and bought a nail polish hehe. Too pretty to resist and it's cheap! So why not!!

Surprised L at his place earlier and his expression was EPIC hehe. It made me feel a little btr bec I did smth for him. Accompanied him all the way to his bus stop then trained home. Bought salad for him to eat at work too so he can save on dinner money. WHERE TO FIND SUCH GIRLFRIEND YOU TELL ME..... Hahaha.

Gonna see Caleb tmr yay!! Finally, after 3 weeks of break. Wishing that he won't give me hell! Night bunnies x.

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