
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

All About Christmas

Okay, there was suppose to be a post for Monday but idk why, I can't seem to get it published. I've been blogging through my phone for the past few posts and had no trouble but it had to fail me this once pffft. I guess I'll be back blogging from my laptop for good.

Not gonna bore all of you to read my Monday post so I'm just gonna skip it.

And so I was tweeting about my Christmas Wishlist, then I realised there's too much to be noted and the thought of having to put it in less than 140 character stresses me out so I gave up telling my followers, I shall just blog instead. It has been so lomg since I last posted a decent one.

I'm just gonna start talking about Christmas in general. No, I'm not gonna wiki Christmas and copy paste why and when it came about, but just from my POV.

Christmas is my favourite festival. YES CHRISTMAS, not Chinese New Year. Taking red packets are really too over-rated, and I seriously don't see a point gambling till late night Maybe it's because of the generation gap between my cousins and I. Maternal cousins are already married and I'm not really close to my paternal cousins (1 of them is already married, 1 is 40, 36 and 23). Now I guess you see what I mean. All I do when my parents gamble is to play with the kids, and it's GOD DAMN BORING PLEASE. My goodness, I dont know how am I going to survive 2013's :(

Okay I'm sorry I digressed. As to why I like Christmas. Hmmm. I guessed it all started when I was very very young. (I specially went to dig out photos of me when I was younger for this) I used to live in HUDC, I don't know if there's such thing now. It had 2 storeys, I think I would've liked it very much now but too bad we moved. But it was a right move to shift, because it was down for en-block few years back. Okay I don't think its a few. Should be several. Due to the large space of my old house, there'll be a mini Christmas Tree and plenty of presents without fail, every year. Christmas Eve would be spent walking throught the streets of Orchard, where all the beautiful lights consume you. I like it alot (Guessed so because I look so happy in the photos)

I can haz many many Barbie dolls!


My face itchy already la! Stop taking photos!!!
And then more presents and more presnts every year!! That's why I grew up to like Christmas alot! I'm so hyped up for Christmas this year! For the past few year's I've been buying smoked salmon, this year I might wanna buy... say, turkey?? HAHA!!

I don't know how true is the "you must kiss if u see a mistletoe" thing but I'll just talk about it. I think it is the perfect excuse to kiss a girl. Just go find one mistletoe, carry it with you, ask the girl out for a date and KEEP ON FLASHING THE MISTLETOE hahaha, then you two will have to kiss.

Okay, this is retarded. Let's just skip it.


I wish I could celebrate Christmas overseas, with ankle length snow, a REAL Christmas tree, my lover (of course), and a whole tub of chocolate powder and tons of marshmellow to be dumped into my hot chocolate. It'll just perfect.

Oh how can I miss out Mr Snowman! I want to make a HUMONGOUS snowman, with carrot as his nose, branches as his hands, huge buttons for this eyes.... Gosh, Singapore should just snow man.

Now, it's time for my Christmas Wishlist (YAY!!!!)
1. Pink Hairdryer (because the one at home is green, I refuse to use it)
2. New Slippers (this pink Havas has served me well, its cracking and I don't want it to snap and embarass me T.T)
3. MY PASSPORT (hahaha you gaise can't help with this so oh well)
4. New bunny cage
5. Another bunny (4 must come first)
6. World peace (HAHA KIDDING)
7. More clothes?

Okay I think that's all, I'm just pretty worried for my slippers because it's realy threatening to break but I refuse to let it rest lololol.

Some pix of me when I was younger to keep you all entertained a little longer~

Popo, I miss u :(

Am I sexy enough for u?



I'm a friendly gun-man!


There's still alot more, but I can't seem to get it uploaded so this will be all for now
Goodnight bunnies x

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