
Monday, August 13, 2012

FUCKYES I CAN FINALLY POST. I think I downloaded something wrongly, but smartass me manage to find the root cause of the problem and removed that murthafarrrking "Windows Core Toolbar" and can blog from my laptop!!

Lazy to transfer pix, so I'll just add them ltr.

Been a tiring week. Alot of things happened. Really fucking alot.

Wise words have been told, and I don't see why I shouldn't listen to them. Too fucken true.

He said, friends get lesser when you're older. If you start to nitpick on every single flaw, you'll just lose them one by one, and then you'll realise you don't have anyone anymore. Just close one eye. Whatever they do don't affect your life anyway, so just look past it. You'll be a much happy person this way.

She said, fuck it. Give it up.

Well, I seriously can't care less. I need a break.

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