
Tuesday, July 3, 2012


And soooo! Thanks to the much drastic weather change I'm down with the common flu. I wonder why am I still having it when I went for the jab before pfft. Throat was so sore that the first night I kept waking up every hour and then take so long to fall back to sleep bec it hurts to much when I swallow.

Self medicated but till the 3rd day I was still having the annoying sore in my throat so I went to visit the doc. I love the anti biotic my doc gives, it heals my throat like instantly. Ok, maybe not instantly but damn fast. Oh well, you get my point.

Been drawing floodplain of my room to see where to allocate the new bed, wardrobe, bookshelves and lappie table. Omg it's damn excitinggg.

Ben bought me a room-warming gift. I was only suppose to open it when my room is done but it's too pretty to resist hehe. It's those pretty lanterns that's on the shelves of TYPO.

Take care of your health bunnies. Drink plenty of water and gobble vitamins like sweets!


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