
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Review: Essential Sleeping Hair Mask

I have been mistreating my hair since 2012 by bleaching it myself to achieve ash blonde (didn't really turn out well and I had to bleach a few more times). I started having ombre hair and my hair ends were breaking everytime I washed and from then, the condition of my hair was terrible.

During my hunt for an inexpensive yet promising hair acre products, I chanced upon Essential Damage-Care series. I have been a loyal user of their leave-on hair conditional and now, thanks to Samplestore, I have the chance to try the improvised version!

Essential Sleeping Hair Mask

You must be wondering "Why do I need to apply mask to my hair before I sleep?!"

Read on!!

When sleeping, tossing and turning causes hair to rub against the pillow, creating friction. We call
such friction caused by the pillow as Pillow Friction.

  • Pillow Friction causes the hair cuticles to open up unevenly, causing hair to be rough, frizzy or prone to tangles. We call such hair damage caused by pillow friction as Pillow Damage
  • As a result of Pillow Damage, you wake up the next day with frizzy, unmanageable hair like a lion’s mane. This is commonly referred to as bed hair. 
  • To solve this problem, people usually have no choice but to wash their hair in the morning. Washing hair ‘resets’ the uneven alignment of hair cuticles and makes hair smooth and manageable again. 
  • However, by having to wash hair in the morning, they have to wake earlier and sacrifice beauty sleep
  • Alternative solution to the bed hair caused by Pillow Damage is to use new Essential Sleeping Hair Mask, which protects each hair strand and minimizes Pillow Damage. 

Do you girls wake up with frizzy hair? I DO!!!

It's so frustrating because I have to rinse my hair and blow dry them to achieve the smooth finish and I ain't got time for that when I'm running late!!

I've put Essential Sleeping Hair Mask to the test and let's see it's magic!

Day1: Blow dried hair before applying hair mask
Day 2: Fresh from waking up. Hair was less frizzy yay!!!

Next up, we have Essential Leave On Serum!
"The Cuticle Protection Ingredients form a protective veil over hair to prevent frizz and dryness 
caused by humidity and UV rays."

Loving this product!! Unlike other serums, Essential's doesn't leave a sticky feeling to your palms!

Now I can head out without being too conscious about my hair because it looks healthy and shiny!! ^^

Products by Kao Essential can be found at all leading supermarkets, hypermarkets, personal care stores and pharmacies~

Grab your free samples of Essential Sleeping Hair Mask today! Go to

Essential x 2NE1 promotion 

Win tickets to 2NE1’s All or Nothing World Tour concert held at the Singapore Indoor Stadium on 28th 
June! Simply buy $10 worth of Essential products to qualify! Go to for more 

Essential SG: 

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